Thursday, October 11, 2007

Marijuana use condoned in Bible's teachings

Marijuana use condoned in Bible's teachings

Dear Editor, Anastacia Cosner and Kirk Muse ("High school drug policy
needs another look," Sept. 27, and "Marijuana use different than
cocaine or meth," Oct. 5) got arrow-splitting bull's-eyes, but there
is more to the story.

Cannabis (marijuana) prohibition contributes to hard drug addiction
because of inherent lies used to perpetuate the farce. One example:
cannabis is a relatively safe God-given plant, yet the federal
government places it as a Schedule I substance along with heroin, and
meth is only a Schedule II substance.

Although minors should not use cannabis, responsible adults should not
be caged for using it, and one reason is because it is Biblically
correct since Christ God Our Father (The Ecologician) indicates he
created all the seed-bearing plants, saying they're all good, on
literally the very first page. The only Biblical restriction placed on
cannabis is that it is to be accepted with thankfulness (see 1 Timothy

Stan White

Dillon, Colo.