Thu, 10/11/2007 - 17:04 — dreagen
The United States Government has done research on Marijuana in the
past and has thrown out many research topics because they prove the
benefits of Marijuana. There have been Studies funded by the US
Government that have encouraged the citizens to question the current
Growing up in the 80's during the Reagan years hearing Nancy talking
about saying no to drugs made me very scared to try Marijuana. I also
thought that all Marijuana users were worthless and lazy and would
become a burden to society. After going to the Netherlands and trying
Marijuana because of chronic pain I realized, "this is not that bad."
When I came back to the United States of America I decided it was time
I did a little research on my own about Marijuana. I soon Found out
that US Veterans Affairs Scientists did research to find out if
excessive use of Marijuana as a teen would damage your life. They did
this by surveying twins were one was a heavy user of Marijuana and the
other did not use Marijuana more than 5 times. They Found, "Marijuana
use had no significant impact on physical or mental health care
utilization, health-related quality of life, or current
socio-demographic characteristics." (Eisen SE et al. Does Marijuana
Use Have Residual Adverse Effects on Self-Reported Health Measures,
Socio-Demographics or Quality of Life? A Monozygotic Co-Twin Control
Study in Men. Addiction. Vol. 97 No. 9. p.1083-1086. Sept. 1997)
The Government provided funding to Federal researchers to study the
effect of THC on Cancer induced rats. These rats were treated for
Leukemia and lung cancer with canaboids and THC found in Marijuana
that increased their life span and decreased the size of the tumors.
(Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Sept. 1975. p. 597-602) In
1994 federal researchers studied rats again by giving them massive
doses of THC to look for cancer and other toxicity in the rats.
Reasearch showed that the more THC the rat received the fewer tumors
grew. (NTP Technical Report On The Toxicology And Carcinogenesis
Studies Of 1-Trans- Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, CAS No. 1972-08-3,
In F344/N Rats And B6C3F(1) Mice, Gavage Studies) Again in 1997
research funded by the federal government came close to proving
Marijuana can prevent cancer. This research followed 65,000 patients
for close to 10 years to study the effects of Cigarette smoking,
Marijuana Smoking and Non-Smokers on Lung Cancer. This showed that
Marijuana smokers did not have an increase in chances to get lung
cancer and also showed that they were at a lower percentage to get
lung cancer than non-smokers. (Sidney, S. et al. Marijuana Use and
Cancer Incidence (California, United States). Cancer Causes and
Control. Vol. 8. Sept. 1997, p. 722-728.) Over a year ago the federal
government gave Donald Tashkin funds to research Marijuana use and
Lung Cancer. This found again that those Heavy Marijuana users had a
decrease risk for Lung Cancer. (Tashkin D. Marijuana Use and Lung
Cancer: Results of a Case-Control Study. American Thoracic Society
International Conference. May 23, 2006.)
Over the years the federal government has tried to teach that
Marijuana was the most dangerous drugs available with lies and
deceptions. The federal Government has been giving grants to research
the dangers and hazards of Marijuana but have ended up proving that
Marijuana is not only a great medication but that it is helpful to
prevent cancers.