Marijuana and ADHD
I know, it's LONG. If you don't feel like reading it, that's cool. But if you've ever had a problem with ADD or ADHD then this could help you out a lot. PM me or reply to my thread if you have any questions.
Throughout my early school years I knew I was intelligent. I had straight A's up until high school (yeah, not that hard..but w/e). In high school, I lost all drive to do well in school. My disorder finally reared it's ugly head when I was actually required to do my homework at home, weird concept I know. When I got home, I couldn't do it. Too many distractions, not enough motivation, so I gave up.
I would still do well on tests; I could sit in a classroom without taking notes and absorb enough information to ace it. I never really asked myself why I continuously only did enough to slide by. I ended up with a 3.4 GPA even after never doing my homework. The biggest sign that told me something was wrong was the ACT. I scored a 33 on the ACT the second time I took it (first without a calculator, meh.). At that point, I could go to any school I wanted. But I still had to wonder, why didn't I give high school my best? Why couldn't I have just done my homework and got a 4.0. I could have been valedictorian.
So here I am at college. A shitty state university. I procrastinated so much on my college apps that this was the only school I could apply for. I got in easily. I had NO distractions here but my computer first semester (I'm a computer nerd, it's required :P), yet I still didn't do my homework. I was continuously skipping class because I can now and couldn't in high school when I wanted to every day. My grades were suffering, first semester I received a 2.5 gpa. Something had to be done. I thought about getting my adderall prescription filled again, but then I came across an article about cannabis and its uses to remedy ADHD. I was immediately intrigued. I sought out help from some hallmates who were more experienced with the herb .
Something that I found enjoyable during first semester was smoking with my hallmates. After a month of thinking they were just drug addicts, I found myself talking to them more and more and realizing that these guys were actually more intelligent than my current friends who were all self-proclaimed intellectuals. They got me high for my first time ever (it was a bong, by the way ), and since then, I've been smoking marijuana almost every day. At first, I binged. I smoked a lot of pot, way more than needed to get high at my tolerance. I loved the feeling it gave me. I could deal with social situations that were worsened by my ADHD in a much better manner. I could focus better, I was less impulsive, and frustration seemed to just slip away. Things were looking bright...
Until I realized what I was doing. I was continuously smoking throughout the day and basically was high all the time. I realized that people around me were getting the idea that I was this huge stoner. I'd always be stoned and smell like a hint of the herb so people immediately judged me and put me in the "pothead" category. This disgusted me. Just because I smoked, people automatically slotted me as someone who just smokes pot all day and does nothing else. What bothered me most is that people didn't believe that I was intelligent. I was out of it most of the time, so people figured I was a stupid stoner kid. Stereotypes with marijuana are so wrong, but so prevalent within society.
I also found that the reason I was smoking in the first place had been lost. I was smoking to relieve my ADHD. It worked, but I smoked too much. I was blasted all the time so it actually had the reverse effect. I was just as inattentive, obnoxious, and impulsive as I was before smoking. I had a big wakeup call when my hallmates confronted me about these issues. Something had to be changed, and I knew what it was.
I've reduced my cannabis consumption down to around 3 times per day on weekdays. Sure, on weekends I'll get blasted every once in a while, but for the most part I smoke much less marijuana than I did before. I found that consumption of cannabis via eating it gave much better results with regards to curing ADHD symptoms. The longer lasting "buzz" I guess you could call it is something that helps me through my school day. I am more attentive, less impulsive, and generally more mellow after eating cannabis rather than smoking it. Smaller amounts, too, showed promise that this could be the answer to all of my problems.
So, I began a routine that I still continue today, and it's done so well to cure my symptoms. In the morning, I eat a piece of toast with cannabis peanut butter. This is excellent for focus and to slow my mind down enough to think throughout the day. I eat a cannabis cookie after dinner. This gives me the ability to focus enough to do my homework throughout the evening. At night, I usually smoke a one hitter or use my vaporizer. This clears my mind enough so that I can lay down and actually fall asleep within 15 minutes, rather than lying in bed for an hour while my mind races about. Really, it reminds me of adderall, without the addictive properties and without the withdrawal if you don't feel like taking it anymore.
So, I would consider the treatment of my ADHD with marijuana to be rather successful. I am attending class daily without any problems. I am able to do my homework and study each night without being distracted. Aside from school, it also helps me in social situations that are made worse by my ADHD. My friends notice that I am no longer as obnoxious or impulsive anymore, and I'm a much more bearable friend. I am very happy with the results, and I suppose the next step is to make this magical herb legal!
Stay fly.