Sunday, February 05, 2006

Making Instant Marijuana Tincture

Posted by Rev. Lorcan on March 15, 2004 at 18:39:44:

: Aloha. As practitioners of cannabis sacrament we practice the art and spirituality of using the sacred herb for our highest good. One of the many ways to enjoy cannabis for me is as a tincture. As far as I know, tinctures are very simple liquid remedies made by soaking herbs in drinking alcohol or veetable glycerine.

: Back in the mid-1990's I met Andy Hamid, a very bright human being and a wonderful guy. He was teaching at John Jay College in New York at the time and was a board member of NORML. He came to Hawai'i to testify in a marijuana trial of a friend of mine (pre-ministry). I hosted a dinner party for Andy and, among other stories, he shared his basic tincture recipe with us.

: Growing-up on the island of Trinidad where most people were very poor it was common for families to have a bottle of rum in the house. Rum comes from sugar cane. Andy told me that all families had a bottle of rum into which they would put a fresh-picked cannabis bud. Bud + rum = tincture, the all-purpose cannabis medicine.

: I tried it at harvest time. A fresh-picked Puna bud (about 1/4 oz.) put straight into a new bottle of 151 rum. 'Shaken, not stirred' and left to marinate for a few days. The clear rum turned golden-green in color...beautiful.

: Looking at the bottle with the cannabis bud on a stick inside pleased me more than just looking at a bud. It looks like a gourmet vinegar bottle with herbs inside, only BETTER! The bud goes a long way, too. This is a potent liquid. Usually a few drops will work the magic. Ok, a dropper-full can really do wonders.

: 151 rum is too hot for tincture to me, and it's not delicious. I tried Stoly vodka, tequila, Bailey's Irish cream whiskey and Amaretto - all with about a 1/4 to 1/2 ounce bud inside. They all make tincture, but Grand Marnier is the crowd-pleaser of them all.

: Here's how I do it now: take a one ounce eye-dropper bottle and put about one-half gram of cannabis bud inside. Add Grand Marnier almost to the top, leaving room for the dropper. Screw the top on tight and place the bottle in a pan of water. Bring almost to a boil and leave the bottle in the pan for about three minutes. Take a drop or two while warm and taste-test it yourself. If you can definitely taste the bud through the delicious orange-flavored Cognac then it's perfect. If you need more bud, add a little and heat it up again.

: Tincture is great. It can go in your pocket and pass through a metal detector. You can take a drop or two almost anywhere at any time. Zero smoke.

: Enjoy tincture of cannabis soon.